Home TRAVEL 6 Things To Do At The Beach While Social Distancing 
6 Things To Do At The Beach While Social Distancing 

6 Things To Do At The Beach While Social Distancing 

by Alsion Lurie

Do you feel like the pandemic has dulled the charm of going to the beach? If yes, you are not alone! After being trapped at home for over a year, we are all eager to grab the Aussie beach towels, slap on our sunscreens, and rush to the beach. 


6 Things To Do At The Beach While Social Distancing

While lying in the sun and listening to the waves crashing is ideal for spending a day at the beach, you cannot disregard social distance laws. As a result, you will need to tweak your traditional beach-day plans a little to enjoy your time at the beach today. 

So, let’s find out how you can have a great day at the beach while still following all social distancing norms! 

Things to Do at the Beach While Social Distancing

Australia is full of beautiful beaches that are rich with aquatic flora and fauna. Even though regular beach activities are not possible anymore, you can do many other things at the beach for fun. 

  • Try Photography 

Photography is the perfect activity for when you want to stay away from people and still capture moments you want to remember. You can practice your photography skills by the beach at any hour of the day while still socially distancing from people. 

  • Go animal watching 

All beaches in Australia are rich in biodiversity. Crustaceans, sponges, arthropods, and other species of crustaceans, sponges, and arthropods can all be found on the beach. Furthermore, if you go deeper into the ocean, you can find a variety of fish species in shallow seas!

  • Do A Clean-Up Drive 

If you are someone who thrives on protecting the environment, then organising a personal clean-up drive on the beach could be a great way to spend your time. You can get gloves, collection bags, and a pair of tongs to pick up waste from the shore.

  • Watch the stars 

Stargazing is one of the most relaxing experiences ever. If you want to enjoy the peace and serenity of the ocean without any public interruptions, you can visit at night. Late-night stargazing at the beach is an excellent choice for everyone following social distancing rules too. 

  • Find A corner and Take A Peaceful Nap

If you don’t want to try something new and all you want is a little time in the sun, then be sure to grab your trusty Aussie beach towel for your visit. You can spread your beach towel out and take a nap in the sun while avoiding everyone around you. 

Laze out in the sun on your own and even catch up on some reading while you are at it. However, don’t forget your SPF!

  • Hang Out With A Few Friends 

While hanging out with your pals is entirely against social distancing norms, you can find a way around it. For example, if you often sanitise and wear your masks throughout, you could find a way to spend time together without being a COVID-19 risk!

Make sure you pack yourself all the things you will need at the beach so you can enjoy your time by the water. However, try to follow COVID-19 prevention rules for your safety and the safety of others. 

Social distancing is essential even if you are fully vaccinated. So, find a way around this inconvenience and safely have fun!

Author Bio:

Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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