Home SEO GUIDE 7 Blog Writing Tips for Beginners

7 Blog Writing Tips for Beginners

by Alsion Lurie

There are over 1.7 billion websites on the internet today, and it is estimated that 600 million of them have blogs.

Blogs are an efficient way of getting information out there, they’re a place to be creative, and they can allow you to connect with other like-minded people.

However, because there are so many blogs, the internet has become saturated with content. Blog writing is a particular skill, and it’s essential that you learn how to do it properly.

Read our guide below for helpful blog writing tips so you can capture your audience and keep them coming back for more.


1. Brainstorm Topics

To be able to write a blog post, you must first know what you’re writing about. While this may seem like a simple concept, many blogs fail because the author fails to develop content ideas continuously.

It is not as easy as it may seem. Regularly finding topics to write about is difficult, but it’s not impossible. To be successful at this, you must first consider it a part of the writing process.

Some ideas will just come to you, while you’ll have to search for others. Consider your blog niche and what you consider yourself an expert in.

What questions could you answer? What solutions for problems do you have? Once you have a good idea going, try to write down at least 10-15 topics to go back to whenever you have another article due.

2. Create an Outline

Sometimes, starting your blog post is the most challenging part. If you are trying to maintain a blog, whether that be a monthly blog or a weekly blog, you’ll need to write articles consistently, and the best way to do so is by starting with an outline.

This can turn your blank page into something new entirely, which makes everything less daunting. Start with your headers or main points, and organize how you want your blog post to flow.

Consider if you’ll be adding in any links, images, or keywords, and plan for those as much as you can. You can start with your introduction, but you don’t have to. Start wherever you want, and keep going.

3. Use Search Engine Optimization

If you haven’t learned about search engine optimization (SEO), it’s about time you do. Running an internet blog won’t be nearly as successful if you aren’t using SEO practices.

SEO refers to how your website ranks on popular search engines, such as Google. If you have a high SEO rate, you could be on the first page, which would drive tons more traffic to your blog.

There are many different SEO factors, but the most important is that you’re providing a valuable resource. Search engines are looking for blogs that are written for people, providing solutions and value.

Perhaps the most critical part of SEO is keyword usage. You want to ensure you are inserting high-ranking keywords in the proper areas of your blog so that search engines pick them up more frequently.

While this may all seem a bit intimidating, there are tons of tools and resources on the internet that you can use to get started, such as the google keyword planner tool.

4. Make Your Content Skimmable

When you are browsing through other people’s blog posts, do you always read the article in its entirety? Or, do you often find yourself skimming through the various headers, picking and choosing what you find the most interesting to read?

For most people, it’s likely the latter. Especially online, people are constantly skimming to find the information they need.

Break up your content using various headers, bullet points, numbered lists, and so on. Your paragraphs should be between one and three sentences, helping to create a more skimmable look for the reader.

5. Implement Images

Using images throughout your blog post is also an excellent way to break up your article and make it more skimmable. However, it should also be used to help emphasize a point you make.

For example, if you are citing specific research throughout your blog post, you can use a graph or chart to help illustrate the data you are referencing. This can make reading your blog post more enjoyable and make the information easier to understand.

6. Understand Your Audience

Building an audience is all about understanding what they want to read. While you may be an expert on multiple subjects, you may want to stick to a specific niche if you find success in it.

For example, if you make a blog about cooking, your content should all relate to food. The audience you curate will most likely not want to read about cars, and if you switch it up too much, you’ll end up losing readers. In this instance, you could create a separate blog about cars.

Along with this, you should use your website metrics to find what your audience is the most interested in.

For your cooking blog, if you find your blog posts about vegan cooking are getting the most engagement, you may want to write more posts solely about vegan cooking.

7. Write for Yourself

One of the most important blogging tips to remember is always to write for yourself, first and foremost. While you want to take your audience’s opinions into consideration, your opinion matters the most.

Write what you want to write and what you enjoy writing. If you stop writing for yourself, there’s a good chance you’ll lose motivation and publish less often.

Write a blog that gives you joy, no matter what that is. If you’re having fun, your readers will be able to see it, and they’ll keep coming back for more.

Upgrade Your Website With These Blog Writing Tips

Writing and maintaining a blog is more complicated than it looks, but with these blog writing tips, you can be sure to have your blog up and running in no time. In the end, if you’re focusing on creating high-quality and valuable content, you are doing it right.

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