Home Food Benefits of Drinking Gin
Benefits of Drinking Gin

Benefits of Drinking Gin

by Alsion Lurie

Gin is an essential drink, which is part of its appeal, but there’s a lot more to it these days. Gin in NZ is the hottest local alcohol production movement, with distilleries popping up all over the country. 

Gin, like so many other things, is essentially basic. All you need is grain alcohol and juniper berries to make it. 

However, in recent years, hobbyist distillers have progressed from tinkering with flavours to producing commercial gins with diverse profiles. Many of them are inspired by New Zealand’s native fauna.

Before gin was enjoyed as a spirit, it was taken by people as a medicine. There’s also a history of gin being used in curing Malaria. So, let’s talk about the benefits of drinking gin!


1.Helps With Hay Fever

It isn’t the most apparent hay fever treatment. However, consuming gin during the summer months can help alleviate coughs and sneezes. Hay fever affects almost 20% of New Zealand’s population, so this might be a good cure.

Because of the fermentation process, beverages like beer and cider have a significant histamine content which worsens the symptoms. In treating Hay fever, gin is a champion. 

2.Low in Calories

Due to the high-calorie content of alcohol, some people who are actively trying to reduce weight typically quit drinking it. With just 97 calories per shot, gin is one of the minuscule calorific spirits available.

When you combine it with a low-calorie mixer like diet lemonade or tonic water, you’ll finish up with a considerably lower calorie total. It is lower than what you would consume with a glass of wine (160 calories) or a pint of beer (208 calories).

3.Keeps Wrinkles Away

Juniper berries, which are high in antioxidants, are the main component in gin. These, in turn, can aid in the look of healthy, youthful skin.

4.Helps To Relieve Bloating

Juniper berries and the botanicals used to produce gin are well-known for their digestive properties. Since Juniper berries are a natural diuretic, they can help with bloating. Switching to gin will help to minimise bloating and, in turn, give you a flat belly.

5.Diabetics’ ‘Greatest’ Drink

The Journal of Diabetes Nursing conducted a study in 2008. This study looked at the safest drinks for people with type 1 diabetes. And guess what? They discovered that gin and tonic was the winner.

Of course, if you are diabetic and concerned about your alcohol use, you should always visit a medical expert.

6.Helps Live Longer

According to one study, moderate consumption of alcoholic drinks reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cataracts. Gin’s ingredients (yes, juniper again) contains flavonoids, which can help strengthen the connective tissue in your veins. It can also help prevent clogged arteries.

7.Cures Joint Pain

Gin can also be used to treat conditions such as rheumatism and arthritis. Raisins used in gin are responsible for curing joint pain.


You must have heard multiple times in your life that alcohol is bad for your health. While it is, of course, bad for you in large quantities, a moderate amount of gin in NZ can benefit you. 

Could you ever have imagined that gin could help you live longer? Bet you didn’t. So from now on, every time someone tells you alcohol kills and increases your weight, give them a bottle of gin!

Author Bio:

Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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