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A Guide to the Most Popular College Majors

A Guide to the Most Popular College Majors

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Each year, around 26 million Americans are enrolled in a college or university. And they each must choose one of hundreds of major options, determining their studies and their future career.

That’s a lot of pressure for most college students. And you, too, might be struggling to decide which major is right for you.

If you’re stuck and in need of some inspiration, look to the top 10 most popular college majors to help you get started.


1. Business

The job market is always in need of people with business degrees. A background in business can pave the way for a job in marketing, HR, or even becoming the CEO of your own company.

The variety of careers available to those who study business might be the reason why it’s the most popular major in the US. With one in five bachelor’s degrees being in business, you’ll be in good company with this major.

2. Nursing and Health Professions

Job opportunities in nursing and health professions are known to pay well. And because healthcare is essential, these jobs are always in demand.

A bachelor’s degree in nursing can help you become a registered nurse or nurse practitioner, although some additional training may be required.

A major in health professions can get you ready for positions such as healthcare administrator, lab technician, and other clinical jobs.

3. Social Sciences and History

Those with an interest in liberal arts may want to consider studying social sciences and history. With a social science degree, you can become a teacher or professor, educating others on subjects like sociology and history.

But these subjects can also be useful for other career paths outside of education. You can become a researcher, policy analyst, writer, or political leader.

Many who choose to study this field as an undergraduate student will go on to pursue a higher degree later, offering a wide variety of job opportunities in the future.

4. Accounting

For those who love everything math and money, accounting is a practical major to enroll in.

Companies are always in need of an accountant to help with payroll, budgeting, and taxes. And with such important responsibilities, it’s no wonder accounting jobs tend to pay well.

In many cases, you only need to get a bachelor’s degree to become an accountant, though some positions may require particular expertise and additional certification. But with bachelor degrees online, you can start crunching numbers professionally in no time.

5. Engineering

Engineering is one of the most popular college majors, with multiple paths to choose from.

Depending on your skills and interests, you can study electrical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, or chemical engineering.

Each requires great analytical skills and the ability to combine science and math to solve real-world problems. But because engineers are vital across almost every industry, the demand is high, making this major a lucrative option for students.

6. Biology

If you love science and studying life, biology is a major worth considering. Biology students often go on to become doctors, scientists, and researchers. And they can choose from a variety of fields, such as biomedical engineering, animal sciences, environmental science, and more.

To get the most out of this major, you should expect to study beyond a bachelor’s degree.

7. Psychology

Psychology might be the best college major for those who still aren’t completely sure what career path they prefer.

Studying psychology can prepare you for several other fields, many extending far beyond the human brain. You could become a psychologist or therapist. But you could also become a marketer, teacher, human resources generalist, business sales representative, or countless other professions.

Understanding behavior and the way people think can help you in a variety of professional settings in the future.

8. Communication and Journalism

Media is all around us, and you can be a part of creating it by majoring in communication or journalism.

While these majors are separate in some colleges, at others they overlap into one program. Either way, expect to use your writing, researching, and critical thinking skills when studying communication and journalism.

Students who study these topics go on to become journalists, professional speakers, reporters, and news editors. If you love storytelling and communicating, this might be the right path for you.

9. Marketing

Along with business, marketing is one major that is always popular and in demand.

Marketing professionals are key in creating advertisements, business plans, and sales goals for businesses.

While studying psychology or business can also land you a career in marketing, if you’re dedicated to promoting businesses and generating sales for companies, a marketing major is a clear path to your dream job.

10. Education

For some, they knew ever since their earliest school days that they wanted to become a teacher. If this sounds like you, consider majoring in education.

Depending on the college, education may be divided into different programs, such as early education and primary education. You will typically be taught the basics of being a teacher and how to support young learners in the classroom.

But an education major can also work for those who want to teach older students or for those who hope to open their own school in the future.

Because many areas have a shortage of teachers, this major is always in demand.

Are the Most Popular College Majors Right for You?

As you choose a college major, remember your own skills, interests, and future goals.

Many students have chosen to study one of the most popular college majors like business or psychology. But remember, there are hundreds of others to choose from. Do your research, and take your time deciding on the best major for you.

For more advice on preparing for college life, read our other education articles!

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