Home Sports 7 Important Tips for Breaking in New Running Shoes

7 Important Tips for Breaking in New Running Shoes

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Ready to use those new running shoes that you bought a few days ago? With only a few minutes, running can burn a lot of calories.

Aside from running and sports, people are putting aside time for cycling, camping, hiking, and more. Outdoor activities have seen a rise as people are spending more time outdoors.

In the course of exploring the outdoors, people are also spending on gear that can help make their adventure safe. Athletic shoes, for instance, are selling out.

The thing with new running shoes is that they require a break-in period. Eager to go out, but your shoes are taking longer to break? Read on to learn about some ticks and tricks that can help break your new running shoes today!


1. Walk Around Your House

The best way to start breaking in running shoes is to use them at home. Wear them when doing household duties or even when you’re simply lounging around,

This is similar to how one ought to stretch first when exercising. This allows you to condition your feet to the design of your running shoes. Also, this is a great opportunity to examine whether there are issues with it.

2. Test Your New Running Shoes on a Treadmill

Another way to break down your new running shoes is to test them out on a treadmill. This allows you to see and understand how the shoes perform without damaging the tread.

Not only will you gauge its performance, but you’ll be able to do so without destroying your chance of getting a return. Note that many running shoe shops allow customers to return shoes when they’re not worn outside.

3. Try It Out Outdoors

If your newly bought running shoes pass the home and treadmill test, it’s time to take them out on the open roads. Note, don’t immediately run after buying running shoes.

Instead, take a few short walks in them. This helps the sole cushioning adjust to your feet.

As you walk, try bending your feet to see if the shoes would bend or crease around your flexing point. Also, wiggle your toes to see if the toe box has enough space to support your movement.

It may feel a bit different the first time, but it should eventually feel comfortable after at least three walks. If your toes begin to feel numb, that’s an indicator to take them back to the store. Most running stores will give you a refund or at least a store credit if the shoes are only worn a few times.

Looking to buy well-designed running shoes? Check hybrid running shoes through this link today!

4. Take a Short Run

Running is essentially considered one of the fastest ways of breaking running shoes. However, do so with precaution, meaning don’t go on half a marathon with your new shoes.

Start easy, preferably a three to five-mile run at first. After your feet adjust to the sole and cushioning of the shoes, increase your mileage. This time, you’re no longer testing out the shoe, but you’re easing the stiffness that comes with newly manufactured shoes.

5. Wear Your Shoes with Thicker Socks

A running sock made from a breathable material is a must for running shoes. Yet if you want an extra hand in breaking down new shoes, you can use running socks as your weapon.

How? Wear thicker socks when you’re using your new running shoes. This helps stretch out the frame of the shoes.

6. Freezing Helps!

Have you heard of the DIY method of using ice to stretch out small shoes, so it fits you? Interestingly, this technique also works if you want to break a new pair of shoes. While this method is quite unusual, many found it to be very effective.

All you need to do is to fill two freezer or zip bags with water. Make sure to remove all the air inside the bags before sealing them. If you happen to have an air vacuum at home, use that.

Place one water-filled bag inside each shoe before placing the pair inside a bigger bag. Placing it in a bigger bag prevents the accumulation of ice in your running shoes. When all is set, place it in your freezer and let it freeze for at least three hours.

As the water in the bag that you placed inside your shoe freezes, it will expand. This will stretch your new running shoes. Moreover, putting shoes in a freezer eliminates bacteria that cause foot odor.

When time’s up, remove your shoes from the freezer. Wait for a few minutes before you remove the shoes from the bag. Your new running shoes should feel lighter thanks to the stretched upper frame.

7. Heat Them

If you don’t want to take your chances with freezing your shoes, how about you heat them? Heat expands the fabric used in your running shoes which results in a better fitting.

To get the best results, wear your running shoes for 15 minutes or so. This allows it to adapt to your feet.

Afterward, blast them with a hairdryer for two to five minutes. Doing this while wearing them helps make your shoes more malleable to your feet.

How Long Does It Take to Break New Running Shoes

If your new running shoes are the same model as your old shoes, they should be relatively comfortable when you try running in them. Your feet are already used to the cushioning and stability of the shoes hence, and it shouldn’t take long to break them.

It’s different, however, when you’re trying on a new model and a new brand of running shoes though. The best running shoes shouldn’t require a long break-in period. Yet if it’s a new design, it’s likely to take a little while.

There are several factors affecting how long it’ll take to break new running shoes. This includes the shoe model, design and construction, stiffness of the fabric, and thickness of the sole. Running shoes with thick soles can take several weeks to break.

For general reference, though, the break-in period for most lasts for at least two to three weeks. This is how long it takes for an average person’s body to get used to something new.

Get Ready to Run!

Breaking your new running shoes helps prevent mild injuries such as blisters that can damper your activities. In the long run, it can even cause your gait to change, causing more serious injuries. Hence, make sure to apply these tips after getting your new pair of shoes for the proper breaking process.

Looking to read more effective tips and tricks? No need to look far; we’ve got plenty more articles to satisfy your curiosity!

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