Home Motivational 10 Styles Of Leadership & Their Benefits

10 Styles Of Leadership & Their Benefits

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Each leadership style has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are 10 common leadership styles, along with their potential benefits and drawbacks.


1. Autocratic leadership

– Advantages: Decisions are made quickly, efficiently, and without outside input. This can be especially beneficial during a crisis situation.

– Disadvantages: This leadership style can be inflexible and may alienate team members who feel they have no input or ownership in decisions.

2. Bureaucratic leadership

– Advantages: This leadership style relies on rules, procedures, and hierarchy to maintain order and control. It can be an effective way to manage large organizations with many moving parts.

– Disadvantages: Bureaucratic leadership can be slow and inflexible, stifling creativity and innovation.

3. Charismatic leadership

– Advantages: A charismatic leader can be inspiring and motivating, able to rally team members around a common goal.

– Disadvantages: There is a risk that a charismatic leader will become overly focused on their own image and ego, rather than the goals of the team.

4. Democratic leadership

– Advantages: This leadership style encourages input and collaboration from team members, leading to buy-in and ownership of decisions. It can promote creativity and innovation.

– Disadvantages: The democratic leadership style can be time-consuming, as all team members must be consulted on every decision. It can also lead to gridlock if team members cannot reach consensus.

5. Laissez-faire leadership

– Advantages: This leadership style allows team members to take the initiative and be self-directed. It can promote creativity and innovation as team members are given freedom to explore new ideas.

– Disadvantages: Without guidance or structure from a leader, team members may become directionless and unproductive. There is also a greater risk of conflict without a leader to mediate disagreements.

6. Mentorship leadership

– Advantages: A mentor leader can provide guidance, support, and wisdom to team members. This leadership style can foster loyalty and commitment from team members.

– Disadvantages: A mentor leader may not have the time or energy to invest in every team member. There is also a risk that team members will become reliant on the mentor leader, rather than developing their own leadership skills.

7. Participative leadership

– Advantages: This leadership style involves team members in decision-making, leading to buy-in and ownership of decisions. It can promote creativity and innovation as team members are given the opportunity to share their ideas.

– Disadvantages: The participative leadership style can be time-consuming, as all team members must be consulted on every decision. It can also lead to gridlock if team members cannot reach consensus.

8. Persuasive leadership

– Advantages: A persuasive leader can be effective in motivating team members and getting them to buy-in to a common goal.

– Disadvantages: There is a risk that a persuasive leader will become overly focused on their own agenda, rather than the needs of the team.

9. Servant leadership

– Advantages: This leadership style focuses on serving the needs of team members, rather than exerting power over them. It can build trust and loyalty, and promote creativity and innovation.

– Disadvantages: A servant leader may not be assertive enough to make tough decisions or stand up for the team when necessary.

10. Transformational leadership

– Advantages: Transformational leaders are able to motivate and inspire team members to achieve more than they thought possible. This leadership style can lead to breakthroughs in creativity and innovation.

– Disadvantages: Transformational leaders may become overly focused on the vision and neglect the day-to-day needs of the team. There is also a risk that team members will become too reliant on the leader, rather than developing their own leadership skills.


There is no one leadership style that is best for all situations. The most effective leaders are those who are able to adapt their style to the needs of the team and the situation. Check out Team Academy to find out more about what leadership means.

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